We’re all creative beings at heart that’s for sure. And it just some people are better at expressing that side than others. But also numerous studies have tried to explain how people can develop these creative capacities, and therefore have detected certain keys and techniques to manage to exploit the creative potential of each subject. If you’re in the market for individuals to drive innovation at your business or if you want to reach your full potential you can check those seven characteristics of creative people that you can incorporate in your own life.
Creative people have a certain energy surrounding them.
Highly creative people usually have high levels of energy and stay focused on their project for long periods. Even when they are out of the studio or away from the computer, their minds are still thinking about their creative work.

Endless curiosity like a cat leads them to the new ideas.
Creative people are often brilliant, but they don’t think they know everything. Just the opposite, they retain a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world.
Creatives are highly ambitious in their pursuits.
The stereotype of the writer or artist spending their time propping up a bar doesn’t hold up. Artists usually work long hours on a project, and they don’t stick to a nine to five schedule. Creatives are persistent and determined and totally focused on their work. I personally work best early in the morning with my cats begging for pet pets. My cat Gidget likes to climb on my shoulders while I’m editing photos or teaching Photoshop Lessons via Zoom.

Creatives can be both extroverted and introverted.
Research suggests that creative people often combine the best of extroversion and introversion. While most people tend to favor one or the other of these personality types, creative people combine elements of both. They find ideas and inspiration in their social interactions and then retreat to their studio to work their creative magic.
Wisdom is a strong characteristic in the mind of a creative.
Creatives tend to be very empathic and sensitive. They are open to all the possibilities of the world and find inspiration everywhere. Sensitivity is necessary to be able to create artistically but can be a double-edged sword, leaving the artist vulnerable to criticism and rejection.
Being open minded allows creatives to be what they really want to be.
Research has shown that creative people tend to resist traditional rigid gender roles and stereotypes. They are open to the male and female characteristics of their personalities and draw on the strengths of both.
Wisdom is a strong characteristic in the mind of a creative.
The traditional picture of the daydreaming artist isn’t necessarily reflective of the creative mind. Creativity is grounded in imagination and daydreaming, seeing the possibilities and wondering ‘what if?’ But creative people are also very practical, and the next stage is testing the ‘what if’ idea to see if it works.
As you can see, those are just seven specific signs that we can observe from creative people, but that doesn’t mean those are the rules to be a creative person. Each person can be creative in their own ways, so if you want to find your own ways of being creative start imagining it right now! How would like to see yourself as a creative person? Will that effect your business opportunities? Let’s focus on the good and keep working on your creative ideas.
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Interesting list!
Yes thanks.
I liked reading that Creatives can be both extroverted and introverted. I never really thought of it that way. However it does make a lot of sense, especially if you are a little bit in both worlds. I tend to be both at times. WIsh I was more creative, lol. Thanks for sharing.
This is so wonderful.I love being a creative and being curious is my super power .
Great list. I consider myself creative in sewing, baking and cooking and my mind is always going and thinking up ideas. That’s just part of the challenge in me!