How to Add Some Fun & Excitement to Engage Your Prospect and Customers
Business Gamification begins as an education that explains how to use games to excite and gain new clients through challenges, quizzes, and games.

Advantages of Gamification;
1) It increases the involvement of your customers, potential customers and partners.
2) It helps you to know your potential customers and make personalized campaigns for
them in the future.
3) It affects the potential customer’s purchasing decision.
4) It strengthens the loyalty of customers.
5) It is an effective tool for brand promotion; it informs audiences about the brand
without resorting to boring marketing avenues.

Purpose of Workshop
1) Raising awareness about the motivating nature of games.
2) To enable participants to understand how they are in contact with the game
elements in life.
3) To teach the models, theories and methods used in gamification design.
4) To experience how a gamification design progresses from the first step to the last
step by having an application.
5) To ensure that the participants benefit from gamification quickly in their professional
and personal life after the training.

Contents of Workshop
Lesson 1 – What is Gamification?
Lesson 2 – Gamification for Market Research
Lesson 3 – Gamification Principles for Lead Generation
Lesson 4 – Gamification for Customer Engagement and Loyalty
Lesson 5 – Create Your Gamification Strategy
Lesson 6 – Conclusion and Next Steps
Gamification – Action Guide
Gamification – List of Ideas
Gamification – List of Tools
Gamification – Cheat Sheet

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