Some people think that creative people are coming from another dimension where there are only rainbows and unicorns around and they are fed by the fairies with delicious fruits. All right that sounds really cool but how about the dimension we live in? Okay let’s talk about a bit much more;

Did you know that many people don’t think of creativity as a skill? But actually it is, and you can develop it for sure. Some people will separate creativity from thinking, but others believe it is the same concept. After all, you need to use your brain to be creative therefore thinking is involved.
When you want to success on something you think about the solutions, like if you are in the pet business or any business, you want to achieve your goals right? And to do that you can’t sit down and wait for the genie in the bottle to make your dreams come true but instead you do think about the solutions, or at least you should.

Does your dog want Bark Brew or would your cat like some wine?
And this is how you sharpen your creative skills, you expand your opportunities in most aspects of your life. At work, you will be called upon to come up with new ideas that your company use to create products or sell services. In your personal life, you may help your kids when they are stuck on coming up with ideas for their projects. You can probably come up with a host of places where creativity comes in handy. You think of solutions and those solutions become the ideas lead you to the creativity.
If you run your own business, then you can let your creativity run wild. Think of your pet business, you can imagine tons of ways to be creative, you don’t have to put borders around your business. Just be creative, by meaning that, free your mind and thus ideas will come to you, then you will feel the joy of being creative.
Like myself, I am professional photographer and I put my ideas on any shape, I don’t set myself any rules and I let the creativity come up within me. So this way my clients feel the joy of seeing their products or pet’s photos in a creative way.
Just don’t forget one thing; day dreaming is not the same thing as being creative. You should act upon your ideas. Your ideas don’t mean anything unless you put them into action.
Part of the creative process is also to come up with bad ideas. Brainstorming sessions nurture the concept of allowing for bad ideas to occur. The first stage of a brainstorming session has a rule that the participants are not allowed to criticize any presented idea. The moderator must be vigilant with this rule. After the first session is complete, the group then revisits each idea, and the critiquing may begin. Usually, at the end of the session, the group is left with a few ideas that are right for their situation.
There are no hard and fast rules for what makes someone creative. Mostly, you draw your inspiration from others and rework a new angle into the process. At the end like any other job, you need to believe in your ideas, and in your business. What you do with your heart and mind on it always brings you joy, and no matter what you should not give up, it’s not about how creative you are but it is all about how much you want to sharpen that tool, because with effort and patience you can success at anything you want. Photographing my cats brings me joy. What brings you joy? Be creative and do more of what you love!!!

Please come check out my Creative Stock Photo Bundles to give you inspiration.
That’s the reason why brainstorming sessions need professional leaders.
Thanks for all the creativity process ideas and encouragement
Creativity is key as an entrepreneur and business owner. As a former chef, I was always pushing myself and my team to think outside of the box. And as a business owner I’m curious about everything. From brainstorming to mastermind groups. I’m always open to idea and taking action around ideas to see where they lead. Great blog post. 🙂
I love how you describe creativity as a skill. I agree 100%! I love to find ways to keep my creative juices flowing whether it is through blogging or writing or with my family and friends. It makes me so happy to come up with new ideas and put them out into the world.
Also, I hope you put this article in different places – especially for college students who still think being “creative” doesn’t get you a good job – and nothing could be further from the truth.
Absolutely! Creativity can be honed. The more you use your creativity, the more creative you will become. I think a lot of people need to hear this, they believe you are either born with creative talent or not, and that’s just not true.