She who is brave is free. You see a brilliant sunset and you itch to capture it on film or you long for your brushes to paint it. You hear a song on the radio, and it inspires you to write a story about a fairytale princess living in her castle.
Where does this desire to create come from? Well, in a word: God. Just as earthly fathers pass on some of their traits, your Heavenly Father passed on one of His traits to you: His creativity!
This is what the Bible means in Genesis 1:27.
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
It’s amazing, isn’t it?! To think that the Creator of the Universe gave you the same ability to create, too!
Because God, the Father, enjoys creation, it makes sense that we are who are His children love creating, too! Whatever your passion – knitting, painting, writing, or photography – do it with all of your heart.
Creating Brings Me Joy!
Here’s a fun project I created – A DIY Pet Rug

For me, when I want to be creative, I need to have some time to myself so that I can clear my mind and focus on being creative. I try to make sure to schedule some “me” time into my day, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. During this time, I can do something that relaxes you, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature. This ‘refreshes or rejuvenates me and helps me become more creative.
Creating brings me joy as well.
And i usually have more creative ideas and projects than hours in the day, so my struggle is to keep things real.
I heard somewhere that creativity is a form of prayer!!! I am grateful to be reminded of this today.
Creativity brings me joy too.It was life saving in the pandemic
Sometimes reading and replying to these posts gets my creativity going. I have been known to write as much in a comment as I would in a blog post. Recently another member’s post inspired me to create a post for an upcoming day and I wrote most of the content for that post right into the comment.
At the end of the comment, I copied it and saved it for use the next day. Here is the post that it inspired.
What an adorable kitty rug! I love being creative and when I’m sewing it always brings memories of my grandmother back to me. She was the one taught me to sew and I in turn taught my granddaughter and great granddaughter to sew. Being creative brings joy and relaxation to me.